don't think it is related...ccminer has been sending back much bigger messages (creditcoin for example) without any problem (and without changing that part).
However I know that the message length has to be the one expected by the wallet otherwise it will get refused (like for neoscrypt btw and a few others. This assertion isn't present in all wallets... but it is present for sure for lyra2rev2 and neoscrypt, but usually the problem is more with getting the message than sending it back)
edit: and again, ccminer (at least my version) was tested on the wallet in order to correct some problem which was occurring in the previous version, and both wallet and miner were released once we (james for the wallet, myself for the miner) were sure it was finding blocks properly.
(then it was tested on pool...)
edit2: may-be something to try instead of wasting 3 days: pick up an already found block (in the wallet) and try to submit it back with the correct nonce. it should be rejected, however it shouldn't generate a json error.