Thx in advance
The easiest (and dirtiest) way is to have your miner batch file run in a loop:
ccminer.exe ...
goto start
and have another batch loop running which restarts ccminer periodically:
timeout -t 1800
taskkill -t -f /im ccminer.exe
goto start
That will restart ccminer every 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
That's beautiful... If only a program like MultiMiner was compatible with CCminer... Last I checked it was because CCminer doesn't have a API so other programs can't hook into it.
Wouldn't the first batchfile continually start up lots of instances of ccminer as there isn't a timer and it's a loop? Does it check to see if one instance is running?
This is what I use:
set app=ccminer.exe
set algo=quark
set address=stratum+tcp://xxxx:port#
set user1=xxx.x1 (your username and workername for the pool)
set user2=xxx.x2
set password=x (your worker password)
start "gpu0" /min %app% -a %algo% -s 1 -d 0 -i 19 -R 3 -o %address% -u %user1% -p %password%
start "gpu1" /min %app% -a %algo% -s 1 -d 1 -i 19 -R 3 -o %address% -u %user2% -p %password%
timeout 600 /nobreak
taskkill /im %app% /f
goto start
It will autokill and restart every 10 minutes. Very handy for those pools that have a vardiff that doesn't play nice.