This have proven to a large extent the political undertone as regards to the central banks position on compartitors such as bitcoin having the capacity to transform the economy of a nation,state or region as a whole, what are the possibilities of central banks governors winning the war against the decentralized finances or will the central banks looses it relevancy when Bitcoin finally become a global currency.
The central bank certainly feels threatened by this digital currency, Bitcoin is extremely valuable and as time goes by it gains more strength, which causes concern to these financial entities that try to maintain a certain control over inflation in their country, adopting them in your system could bring certain complications and stability problems, as it is despite being quite popular and showing security is extremely volatile. But not accepting them and trying to prevent their regulation would not be a reliable option either, the BTC is globalizing and is being approved by governments that see its potential, consider that the best option is not to go against this situation, which is inevitable , it is better to look for alternatives so that everything works in harmony and thus can work together.