Never before we haven't leaved our customers without compensation, so at this time we're not going to do this too.
your compensation methods are inadequate, your support staff recognize this as they admit lost funds.
this is not the first time this has happened and this is not the first time i have been compensated inadequately.
when will you acknowledge that your compensation system does not work, compensating less earnings than what are lost due to your inability to maintain your hardware is not adequate compensation, understand?
your inability to accept accountability astounds me at times, but hey you don't even have anything in the terms and conditions pertaining to liability for maintaining the hashrate they keep.
You have lost some power which was able to do some amount of hash calculations. This was compensated with a power which was able to do even more hash calculations than you've lost. Whether these abilities were used or not — it is not up to us, because there is no any possible way to control amount of blocks that the pool will find over given time.
I personally understand you and I see that you really lost some funds from this, but our system did everything fine. If the luck parameter was much higher at the moment of compensation, you'd gain much more BTC income than you've lost, but this parameter is absolutely random.
Best Regards,
Matthew, CEX.IO support