Signature, avatar and text updated.
Take a look at these rules, they need to be reconciled.
- Posts made in mega threads will not count. Posts made in threads after 5 pages aren't eligible for payment unless they hold value.
This is beautiful. As a former Bestchange participant, this is not a bit of a problem to me and some others in this campaign. But relating this to the other rule.
- A minimum of 10 Posts in the gambling section are required to receive weekly payment.
Most of the posts in the gambling section are mega threads. So, I wish you will follow this meticulously based on the
post value you mentioned in the rule above.
If posts in mega threads hold value, such as 'Answering a question without overextending with an answer to a query that has already been solved'
I am thinking about Removing this rule from the Gambling section, but then again, I have stated, "If your post holds value even in mega threads, then it will be paid"
The issue is most members rarely search and read where Signature is displayed in those mega threads. And paying 2.8$ per post for posting in those mega threads doesn't seem like a good idea.
Let us see how the first week goes after the removal of this rule.