Current amount of posts (including this one): 2212
Amount of merit EARNED in the last 120 days: 100+
SegWit BTC Address for Payouts: bc1q7tlqy2z6lfef5a86pn8vfev5ckevhftxhal9nc
Current amount of Posts (Including this one): 909
SegWit BTC address for payouts: 3FsK11eRjR8Qrpe8TcSNgwkkpvm5sp9xiw
EARNED merit in the last 120 days: 121 Merits
Current amount of Posts (Including this one): 753
SegWit BTC address for payouts: bc1qarr0w42t3z7xtrcgwxh6kcckzq47tme5xfnj4n
EARNED merit in the last 120 days: 93
Accepted! Welcome to the Campaign. Please update your Signature & Avatar ASAP.
Thank you all for the applications, I had forgot that a few people ranked up so we had to make some last minute changes to who we could accept.