Erm... Since when is this world fair? Please face reality, nothing is fair. Bitcoin isn't designed for fairness. You're completely missing the point.
With information technology we have an opportunity to make the world fair. It not only can be done. It will be done.
No, it won't, unless you find a way to implant cells in everyone's brain that eliminates greed. It's human nature.
Nothing will ever be fair.
Say hello to unlimited resources: Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity - Lew Keilar -- I have to say that that guy is completely insane. A.I.s
cannot be made to think for themselves, and Humans
won't be connected to a cloud. You are obviously from the NSA. That's what they want to do to us, so that every aspect of our lives will be controlled by them. Ray Kurzweil is completely off his rocker.
You are right, that will create fairness, since we will all be turned into marionettes, ready to do our "master's" bidding, and be enslaved for eternity.
All this will do and make us all equal, which isn't a good thing. Humans will no longer have emotion. No thoughts. Nothing.
Essentially, we will be turned into robots.