I have commercial scale free electricity in England. Buggered if I know how to run a bitcoin mine though and contacting Bitcoin miners seems to be harder than contacting the bloody dead.
Every recruitment agency I speak to don't have a clue what I mean when I say I want to employ a bitcoin miner... I doubt even if they did they'd have more luck finding one than me.
How do I get in touch with UK based miners?
How would I go about employing someone to oversee the purchase, setup and maintenance of equipment?
Even better how do I go about finding a business partner with the technical & electrical skills I lack?
I want the first site to start at 1PH and grow quickly from there. I really would appreciate any advice because I'm struggling to progress this further without technical skills, despite the massive advantage of free power!
You can find that in the forums but you do need to look and you have to be very cautious because most of us cannot be trusted.
I would say to get a 1PH mining operation running you are look at a decent amount of cash $100,000-$300,000.
Even with the latest ASICS you are looking at around 1,000 pieces of equipment.
That's alot of maintenance, cooling, hand holding, development and time.
As far as people are concerned you really need one experienced person, that doesn't have to be local, and a few minions.
I saw this interesting thread a while back