In other words,
yes but i writed this in the first post (see above comment), so its only for max 50 tx. when it s more you must adapt the script because it takes the information from and example its more 50 tx, but only loading 50 tx data from API, then it parses outside range of loaded data. this is the error. i hope you understand. when you need adaption of script write me. i am happy to help you anytime.
thank you.
hello sory i don't see yours reply so waited so long. excuse me.
ok i post pseudocode hope you can add it with python in fact only little work:
full script i write in coming weeks. #EDIT: overload with RL-work. will sit on extension soon.
z = getTXnr(); //get total number of transactions
n = z%50 //modulo operater so we know the number of tx in last page [b]when its < 50 TX[/b]
m = (z-n)/50 //this is so we know HOW MANY TIMES we have A FULL PAGE (50 tx)
//also we need adapt the urladdr because now we take MORE THAN 50 txs. so we use offset parameter for going through pages.
for y < m:
compare(loadData("" + str(addr) + "&offset="+ x)) //now it load the TX begining @x tx.
x+=50; //now we go to NEXT 50 tx.. offset=50 means we ingnore first 50 txs.. or we start @TX NR 51..
compare(loadData("" + str(addr) + "&offset="+ x)); //now it take the LAST TXs from the LAST PAGE
//IMPORTANT: in the compare section of the script you MUST ONLY PARSE n transactions
This is the example of above pseudocode with REAL values in it. so you see every loops job and what is happening here exact:
x = 0 //first offset we start @tx NR. 0
y = 0 //our counter for increment
z = 138 //number of total TX
n = 38 //138 modulo 50 = 38 rest
m = 2 //number of FULL pages with 50 TXs
//1st run of loop:
for 0 < 2:
compare(loadData(blockchain_data(offset=0))); //we start at TX 0 and get data until TX nr. 50
//2nd run of loop:
for 1 < 2:
compare(loadData(blockchain_data(offset=50))); //we start at TX 50 and get data until TX nr. 100
//now we leave foor-loop and compare the LAST txs (n)
compare(loadData(blockchain_data(offset=100))); // here its only important so you PARSE ONLY n transaction in the compare-part of the script.
//so for this is the n needed.
have a good sunday evening.
thank you.