How about we all agree that Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and vote for the Republican if she becomes the next Democratic nominee?
That might be a good option. But would you vote for Bush or Huckabee, if they are selected as the Republican nominee? I am OK with Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. Anyone else, and it'll be tough.
Essentially, the real fight on both sides will be in the primaries. There, there will be players who are NOT electable, for various reasons. There will also be some who are being looked over by the big money/power in the back room for whether they might do.
The really important thing close at hand is the 2014 November elections for Congress and the Senate. This will determine the flavor of the next two years. Toss up the Republicans get a bare majority.
To put it bluntly, if the Repubs get a majority in the Senate the most incompetent President the US has ever had will probably be subject to impeachment proceedings, and for just causes.
The impeachment request would be passed by > 1/2 the House, and it would go to the Senate, where it would require a 2/3 majority to pass. The 2/3 majority would likely not be reached in the Senate, however this is not a certainty. With Clinton Democrats voted as a block against impeachment, with the 2016 races coming up they may actually not do this.
Pretty unusual situation.
Anyone still espousing the right/left paradigm is a fucking moron. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PEOPLE TRYING TO FUCK YOU. If you want a match against red vs blue go play halo dipshits.
That's true at some metaphysical level.
Sort of like saying "We're all the same. We're all human beings..."