Apart from a few tiny countries in Latin America and Zimbabwe, the US dollar is not legal tender anywhere in the world
maybe I didn't put it correctly, USD is not accepted as legal tender, i.e. you are most likely will not get served if you come to a,say,Spanish or Italian or Norwegian
shop and try to pay with dollar bills
but what I meant was the current global domination of the US dollar as an internationally accepted currency:
mind you,all and every trade countries make are done in USD,NOT IN THEIR OWN CURRENCIES,there is a net of Federal Reserves banks in EVERY country of the world (its a completely different story,though)they make sure that countries do not print more money than they have dollars in paper or computer form
take for example gold fixing:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_fixingor oil futures contracts
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futures_contractor basically any big exchange-all of them work with USD and trade in USD only,so to buy gold,oil,wood etc. you MUST convert your currency into USD thus supporting its gegemony as the most "stable" and "universally accepted"
unfortunately,our planet cannot sustain a country that with less than 5% total world's population consumes around 40%world's produce and generates 50% of the worlds garbage (you can google and find the stats yourself if you want)
the problem is that there is too much of a dependance,dollar is just too big to fall as it would make the global economy collapse as well
this is why China,Russia,Brasil and India have formed the so called BRICs and are trying to establish their own IMF structure and to trade using yuan,roubles or rhupees
D.Trunps election is a step towards the global processes,he was appointed to make transition less painful for every party involved
hopefully without starting a war