
Topic: China Will not Ban Bitcoin Mining! - page 3. (Read 628 times)

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November 06, 2019, 08:08:57 PM
Another topic regarding this:

Before, the China National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR) tried to categorize the industry of bitcoin to be banned from their country. It was included in their catalog (pertaining to industries needed to be banned) that virtual currency and mining activities should be phased out in their country.

The initial draft of the catalog states that "Virtual Currency mining" particularly bitcoin mining should be eliminated, thus recommending local governments to scrap bitcoin mining out of their industry. Now, there's a sudden turn table in their decision:

during the press conference on Wednesday, the catalog received 2500 suggestions concerning bitcoin mining, and most of it was taken into consideration.

Here's my point of view:

          1. Since China holds half of the bitcoin's global hash power (according to         mining-as-industry-to-be-eliminated), the service that bitcoin provides will not just retain, but also be further develop in the future as China will not put restrictions to bitcoin mining. Thus, will let cryptocurrency mining more efficient.

          2. Inducing Market Adoption - China scrapping their plan to eliminate bitcoin mining to their country will enable their people to trust bitcoin even more, and will lead to much better bitcoin adoption that will not affect their country, but also the whole world.

          3. Great control to Cryptocurrency - Regarding the news, reducing the resistance for mining industry will entail china to have a great control over the hash power of crypto. As a result, more control to cryptocurrency.

It is evident that even big a country with restriction to cryptocurrency and mining is now in favor and showing support to crypto. There are better future that awaits us in crypto space and we should be knowledgeable about that.

Should you have any questions and comments about this, kindly spread the word to the comments below.

I think the OP don't understand or go through the news source site cause what he said/posted was actually different from the topic the article writer said cause what I find on the article site was "Chinese Agency Scraps Plan to Eliminate Bitcoin Mining Industry".
Please read article very well before posting it to avoid misconceptions and spreading of false news.
sr. member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 260
November 06, 2019, 06:47:46 PM
That's true, China would definitely not ban Bitcoin because the government is aware of the income that all these bitcoin mining companies make and also the number of people whom they have hired to be working with them. Banning Bitcoin will certainly make people not have jobs to do and also bring about huge losses among these big mining companies.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 2162
November 06, 2019, 06:47:26 PM
Whatever the Chinese government is going to do, they sure as hell won't let their citizens enjoy any sort of freedom and privacy. If Bitcoin will be allowed, it's use will be tightly regulated, exchanges and all other services will be required to verify their customers, there will be measures to prevent capital flight and so on.
hero member
Activity: 2632
Merit: 833
November 06, 2019, 06:24:36 PM
Perhaps they are making good money here that's why they suddenly made a U-turn again.

Just a couple of months ago their government said that it is harming the environment that's why they have plans to shut it down.

But still, we need to be cautious and not celebrate this as kind of 'victory', we still don't know if this is true or not and still baffles me why is the main reason though for relaxing their policy on bitcoin mining.
sr. member
Activity: 812
Merit: 257
November 06, 2019, 05:53:57 PM
maybe this will be good news, I hope this news can make the price of bitcoin rise, as we know in China bitcoin is not ranked first but rather eos, hopefully with this news bitcoin becomes the main crypto in the country.
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November 06, 2019, 05:33:30 PM
if the state of China applies the ban I don't think it will have too much influence because we all know that the place for mining is not only in China, there are still other places that can do bitcoin mining and still be able to produce bitcoin, just that it might make prices bitcoin is slightly up because it will be difficult to get bitcoin.
sr. member
Activity: 2604
Merit: 338 - Crypto Casino
November 06, 2019, 12:33:02 PM
The opportunity is already been there so if they're trying mess it up they would have done it a long time ago. Besides, CZ as the CEO of the famous Binance exchange, i never think Chinese government would turn their backs on one of their own. Unless he goes full for taking a US citizenship. Anyway, China is the most advanced in terms of technology and also they don't want to get behind by their neighboring countries just because they hated someone.
hero member
Activity: 1750
Merit: 589
November 06, 2019, 12:24:04 PM
China will not refuse such an opportunity
China is known to have a great political management and great leaders that's why their economic status is also great, and there's no way  China won't let an opportunity this big slip through their grasp. Also their president Xi Jinping announced that they would support and will invest for a further research about blockchain and other businesses related to it, one of those is bitcoin.
Activity: 3150
Merit: 1069
November 06, 2019, 11:39:56 AM
That's not a surprise. Mining Farm in China are one of the larger source of foreign capital income. It has directly and indirectly created many jobs in China and has crafted many individuals as specialist in the field. China would not want to fall behind US in any technology mostly in case of the one that may have huge impact to the society in coming time.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1074
November 06, 2019, 11:35:25 AM
The Chinese are relaxing policies regarding Crypto currencies, because they are developing their own government coin and they want to garner

support for their own technology in the future. They cannot ban other tokens and Blockchain technologies, if they are going to issue their own

Crypto currency, it will just look bad. They even went as far as punishing people, if they talk crap about Crypto currencies, so it shows that they

are serious about this new venture.  Tongue  I will search for the article, where they issue warnings about penalties for people who spoke negative

things about Crypto technologies.
sr. member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 306
November 06, 2019, 09:53:06 AM
Ah...I was wondering what the regulations were in china regarding mining.  It was only a *proposed* piece of legislation (right?), and I had thought that they had already banned mining.  Thank you to op for posting this.

This is pretty big news in my opinion.  China is a beast in the world of crypto (I mean that in a good way) and if they had banned mining it might have crippled the mining world, or at least wounded it significantly.  Glad to hear this.
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1293
There is trouble abrewing
November 06, 2019, 09:49:33 AM
i have been around for a couple of years and have read thousands of articles from before that time. i have seen lots of news about China banning bitcoin. if they wanted to ban it they would have done it already not wait for 10+ years and then do it!
the fact is bitcoin has been a very good thing for their economy. from the mining farms to mining pools and bitmain all the money they produce for the electric companies and all the jobs they create is a big economy of its own. the only reason why they shut down exchanges was their illegal activities and the only thing they have ever banned was ICO which are obviously scams and everyone knows that!
sr. member
Activity: 2086
Merit: 283 - Crypto Casino
November 06, 2019, 09:49:22 AM

Should you have any questions and comments about this, kindly spread the word to the comments below.

in a few months ago China was one of the countries that hated bitcoin so their megara government had passed a law on bitcoin bans, their president only supported blockchain technology because of the reason they wanted to launch their own digital currency based on blockchain technology and now why they lift the ban they have issued, I doubt about this kind of news.
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November 06, 2019, 09:32:39 AM

Nice article here.
Maybe we shouldn't be surprised by these since everything that we use now are all made in China. And yeah, one of the reason is the cheap labor and same goes with bitcoin. While I don't think they'll ban bitcoin mining or at least give up on this as they surely lose good revenue. We knew the fact that China don't easily give up they see they'll benefited, just look at the Scarborough shoal.
Activity: 1652
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November 06, 2019, 09:16:50 AM
Since China holds half of the bitcoin's global hash power

i am curious about whether we have any actual data supporting this. i tried searching for it once recently but i could not find anything apart from news sites making claims without proof.
all the data or evidence we have are mining pools but pools doesn't own hashrate they just link people together.

See the following long article from Wired:

In April they had 70% of the world's crypto-mining capacity.

I recommend reading the article in full because it details how they use cheap electricty, actually migrating their operations to the mountains in the winter because excess rain means excess hydroelectric power which they can buy cheap.

It also explains why the Chinese govt is cracking down - some of these local authorities have actually flooded valleys to create cheap hydro to attract bitcoin miners, in the process ruining eco-systems.
hero member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 655
November 06, 2019, 09:09:06 AM
Since China holds half of the bitcoin's global hash power

i am curious about whether we have any actual data supporting this. i tried searching for it once recently but i could not find anything apart from news sites making claims without proof.
all the data or evidence we have are mining pools but pools doesn't own hashrate they just link people together.
sr. member
Activity: 644
Merit: 364
In Code We Trust
November 06, 2019, 08:47:33 AM
Another topic regarding this:

Before, the China National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR) tried to categorize the industry of bitcoin to be banned from their country. It was included in their catalog (pertaining to industries needed to be banned) that virtual currency and mining activities should be phased out in their country.

The initial draft of the catalog states that "Virtual Currency mining" particularly bitcoin mining should be eliminated, thus recommending local governments to scrap bitcoin mining out of their industry. Now, there's a sudden turn table in their decision:

during the press conference on Wednesday, the catalog received 2500 suggestions concerning bitcoin mining, and most of it was taken into consideration.

Here's my point of view:

          1. Since China holds half of the bitcoin's global hash power (according to         mining-as-industry-to-be-eliminated), the service that bitcoin provides will not just retain, but also be further develop in the future as China will not put restrictions to bitcoin mining. Thus, will let cryptocurrency mining more efficient.

          2. Inducing Market Adoption - China scrapping their plan to eliminate bitcoin mining to their country will enable their people to trust bitcoin even more, and will lead to much better bitcoin adoption that will not affect their country, but also the whole world.

          3. Great control to Cryptocurrency - Regarding the news, reducing the resistance for mining industry will entail china to have a great control over the hash power of crypto. As a result, more control to cryptocurrency.

It is evident that even big a country with restriction to cryptocurrency and mining is now in favor and showing support to crypto. There are better future that awaits us in crypto space and we should be knowledgeable about that.

Should you have any questions and comments about this, kindly spread the word to the comments below.
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