However, the wily Chinese are known for being extremely cunning and conning. Obviously, they are not going to confront Uncle Sam face to face in the open as that would be a recipe for disaster, at least for the time being. They are more likely to follow the route that the US had been following in the first half of the 20th century, which was to sit on the fence and wait till the dust settled. And then pick up the power from the weak hands of the European superpowers of the time. So, they are going to take small but perfectly calculated steps, probably using other nations as their proxies whenever available and possible until they are ready to deliver a crushing blow to the dominion of the US over the world. The times may have changed, but the power struggles and approaches remain the same
In many ways, China is cheating on the US strategy, especially dynamic infrastructure development first before building static infrastructure. The US strategy has also been imitated by China to extract natural and human resources in Africa. The only difference is that China is binding on long-term infrastructure projects so that a country cannot escape debt bondage to China.
China strictly follows the grand plan and creates a system so that China can shape and destroy according to the strategy used. Starting from the OBOR program, development programs in Africa, the diaspora to plans for energy self-sufficiency by dominating batteries. In addition, China's military step in the southern sea is to increase its bargaining power by controlling the rare earth metals needed in modern weapons technology.
At present China is not considered an imitation country anymore, they are better known as modifiers and countries full of innovation. China has begun to dominate trade and finance shifts the US. will China be free from energy dependence after this? As for the dominance of currency and military power, I think the gap is still very large with the US.