Wang Yongli, former vice president of Bank of China and chief economist of Shenzhen Neptunus Group, pointed out in an interview. Some countries lacking a sovereign currency lack the most basic understanding of currency, and use fully decentralized digital encrypted assets such as Bitcoin as legal tender. The economic and social operations will be severely disrupted due to its own price fluctuations. The country has no means of control and can only go to destruction on its own.
I think his statement is unreasonable.
In the past ten years, China has said that Bitcoin is only used as a personal investment, without large institutions or government endorsements. After large institutions began to invest in Bitcoin, they said that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, a playground for capitalists. When some countries recognized it as legal tender, they used the lack of sovereign currency as an excuse to ignore the facts. I very much look forward to what new excuses the Chinese government will have when more and more sovereign countries in the world use Bitcoin as legal currency.
I am a Chinese, but if the country loses a key strategic opportunity in the era of digital currency pre-emptive due to the nonsense of a certain person, these historical and national sinners will surely be stinking for thousands of years.