I remember last year people were freaking out because the prices was tanking and everyone was blaming the Chinese New year without any hard evidence, truth was that bubble popped and we were bound to go down even without an "event" such as the Chinese New Year taking place.
I doubt we'll see any drops because of it this year, we'll probably continue the same sideways movement around the 3.4k-4k range. There was a time when the market used to react to chinese events, news, and whatnot, but that's in the past now, the crypto space has moved on and no longer cares about anything that happens in China.
Even I misjudged the Chinese effect on Dogecoin, thinking 1, most Doge miners/holders were Chinese, and 2, last year (this year) was the year of the Dog. Incredibly auspicious signs, but now I understand that crypto people, miners and speculators anyway, aren't as superstitious as other business people in China.
But yeah, Bitcoin's never been such a huge thing, especially not when there are thousands of other crypto to choose from now plus the rather strong sentiment for Neo. If the Lunar new year ever had any effect on BTC price, it's no longer apparent.