I'm having the same problem with Avalon miner 1166Pro-81.
In my case is Hash0 wich "runs" at low temp. Hash0 it's alive but is seems not to work (i cheched with the power consumption) After 5min that the asic starts, the temp in hash1 and hash2 goes up.
Log after 5 mins
{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':0,'Code':11,'Msg':'Summary','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'SUMMARY':[{'Elapsed':230,'MHS av':34737202.73,'MHS 30s':47906044.34,'MHS 1m':44864068.60,'MHS 5m':20453743.08,'MHS 15m':8138892.82,'Found Blocks':0,'Getworks':10,'Accepted':232,'Rejected':0,'Hardware Errors':2,'Utility':60.53,'Discarded':1370435,'Stale':0,'Get Failures':0,'Local Work':1921,'Remote Failures':0,'Network Blocks':1,'Total MH':8041029101.0000,'Work Utility':488991.90,'Difficulty Accepted':1647523.00000000,'Difficulty Rejected':0.00000000,'Difficulty Stale':0.00000000,'Best Share':4942147,'Device Hardware%':0.0001,'Device Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Stale%':0.0000,'Last getwork':0}
{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':0,'Code':70,'Msg':'CGMiner stats','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'STATS':[{'STATS':0,'ID':'AVA100','Elapsed':231,'Calls':0,'Wait':0.000000,'Max':0.000000,'Min':99999999.000000,'MM ID0':'Ver[1166Pro-81-21072802_4ec6bb0_211fc46] DNA[02010000bfab6559] MEMFREE[1378296.0] NETFAIL[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] SYSTEMSTATU[Work: In Work, Hash Board: 3 ] Elapsed[231] BOOTBY[0x01.00000000] LW[187692] MH[0 2 0] HW[2] DH[39.252%] Temp[31] TMax[89] TAvg[61] Fan1[2668] Fan2[2681] Fan3[2632] Fan4[2635] FanR[34%] Vo[319] PS[0 1203 1276 144 1837 1276 1987] PLL0[8269 1449 789 3413] PLL1[4114 63 148 9595] PLL2[2522 192 484 10722] GHSspd[30081.28] DHspd[20.299%] GHSmm[66756.83] GHSavg[34864.27] WU[487048.22] Freq[399.65] Led[0] MGHS[68.49 17991.53 16804.25] MTmax[38 89 83] MTavg[33 78 72] TA[360] Core[A3201] PING[215] POWS[0] HASHS[0 0 0] POOLS[0] SoftOFF[0] ECHU[0 0 0] ECMM[0] SF0[370 390 408 428] SF1[370 390 408 428] SF2[370 390 408 428] PVT_T0[ 31 37 32 37 35 35 33 37 37 38 36 33 35 37 33 36 37 36 35 36 31 33 34 34 31 35 36 33 36 32 36 33 34 35 34 34 34 34 35 35 32 32 33 35 32 33 34 33 31 35 32 31 33 32 30 34 34 34 33 33 32 33 31 32 32 32 31 35 31 29 33 31 34 33 31 32 36 33 32 34 35 33 34 37 34 33 31 31 35 36 33 31 32 37 36 34 36 34 31 35 35 35 31 34 34 36 34 34 37 36 34 36 34 34 33 35 31 35 37 35] PVT_T1[ 76 83 80 81 83 80 80 83 80 81 84 81 80 80 82 83 83 84 79 86 86 89 85 81 78 83 87 86 79 80 78 85 86 88 80 79 79 82 87 85 84 82 78 79 81 81 79 74 74 78 80 77 78 75 74 76 76 73 75 75 69 69 64 71 72 73 73 74 71 71 73 76 75 76 74 75 77 77 77 76 75 74 76 79 76 76 74 75 78 79 78 78 75 76 78 79 79 78 74 78 81 81 78 80 77 77 79 79 77 76 74 77 77 80 78 75 75 75 78 78] PVT_T2[ 72 76 78 78 75 74 76 77 78 76 78 75 71 75 78 82 80 77 76 79 83 82 76 74 73 75 81 83 74 74 74 76 80 79 75 73 72 77 78 80 76 74 72 76 78 73 75 70 71 72 71 72 70 73 68 69 70 67 69 65 64 63 64 66 67 65 66 69 67 71 70 70 69 68 69 71 71 71 73 77 71 68 74 72 74 74 69 71 74 70 71 76 69 69 71 73 73 70 72 71 73 75 74 73 73 69 76 70 74 71 70 71 71 69 72 72 72 71 73 75] PVT_V0[245 247 243 247 245 242 245 247 245 244 243 244 234 237 239 246 248 247 246 243 242 240 237 238 242 244 243 246 247 247 245 247 246 245 243 245 241 242 242 238 241 238 242 243 244 241 242 241 246 245 245 241 243 242 246 246 249 245 245 247 257 257 258 247 250 249 255 254 258 248 247 250 262 267 268 423 423 425 443 445 445 460 464 465 409 414 419 394 394 396 384 385 386 393 390 390 415 417 418 403 406 403 406 407 407 421 421 425 412 412 415 457 460 455 435 434 439 401 399 400] PVT_V1[298 301 310 300 304 306 298 297 298 317 313 312 297 299 297 306 308 307 315 312 309 288 289 288 308 309 314 287 287 293 290 293 297 298 303 303 291 292 289 291 289 290 288 287 285 296 298 300 295 294 298 298 293 293 299 300 299 294 297 306 298 295 290 295 297 299 302 302 306 297 300 302 295 297 294 292 292 293 297 295 295 300 300 301 293 290 292 301 299 301 299 299 295 301 299 302 303 306 300 301 299 298 291 294 298 301 299 302 295 297 297 297 302 301 307 306 306 306 306 308] PVT_V2[294 305 306 295 296 299 292 294 296 309 311 313 297 295 295 303 304 306 290 287 289 291 287 287 289 289 286 295 291 291 282 283 282 291 292 295 307 310 311 289 290 294 291 293 293 290 294 292 299 297 295 310 309 308 305 307 309 297 300 305 310 305 307 307 309 313 308 307 306 309 308 311 290 289 291 308 305 309 304 303 303 298 295 295 308 309 305 300 295 294 297 294 298 291 291 298 295 297 295 297 293 294 289 292 292 304 301 303 302 299 302 309 307 303 302 305 300 303 305 311]
I tried with the solution posted and partily solved the problem fixing the fans speed at 55% with a command via FMS soft, and the temp in the others Hash manteins in the recomnded limits, but is not permanet solution because if you rebbot the changes are lost.
FMS download link:
https://canaan.io/service/447If someone knows how to try to fix the problem I'll be gratefull.