The market is very dynamic. No one in this world can accurately predict the direction of the market. If you are absolutely sure of the prospects of the portfolio you hold, then I don’t recommend selling everything. If you are not sure, it is best to take all profits and mix in a new portfolio that is still promising. The market will always go through a "bearish-sideways-bullish" cycle, so we need to learn to take profit/stop loss.
Basically the crypto world is also directly related to trading, it's just that there are many differences in doing and running it, the final target is to find big profits from all forms of investment, careful planning and proper analysis when buying / selling is very necessary.
It's true, no one can predict the market accurately one hundred percent, but at least someone must be able to predict events that will occur and prepare the right steps if things get out of control, so that our investments do not experience big risks in investing in the future.
But if this continues to happen, they will not be able to survive in the world of trading in particular, if they lose money almost every time in trading, big risks usually can only be solved by people who are ready in any condition, but at first every trader will experience various conditions. which involves them at risk, if this can be controlled slowly, then the opportunity for success is very easy for them to get in the future, therefore they need knowledge in doing anything, especially about trading.