Christian bakers fined $135,000 for refusing to make wedding cake for lesbians.
If they [were white and] had refused to make a wedding cake for a black hetero couple, imagine the reaction.
Zero tolerance for bigotry, this is America.
So you think gays struggle as much for acceptance as blacks do? You can't tell if a person is gay just by looking at them, and if they really wanted to they could just pretend to be straight. Ask one of your black friends what the success rate they would have pretending to be white would be.
As far as the cake, it is not like they came into a restaurant and they refused to feed them, or they were refused entry into some public club for being homosexual. They are purchasing a service, and that service requires a lot of investment of time, resources, and effort. Wedding cakes can be extremely complicated and expensive, and forcing a baker to spend all that effort on something that they object to for whatever reason is not appropriate. In effect you are denying the baker the right to observe their religious beliefs, as if there are not other bakers who will gladly accept your business.
I don't think it is appropriate for one very important reason. Ones sexual orientation should not be a legally protected class, because it is something that is not demonstrable with empirical evidence. It is easy to prove if someone is black in most cases, try to prove someone is gay. IE it would be indistinguishable to the the difference between an actual homosexual and someone who just claims to be homosexual, leaving everyone else open to lots of abuse via the legal system not just form actual homosexuals, but people pretending to be homosexual. I believe all humans should be treated with respect and not be discriminated against, but the law works with facts and proofs, not attractions.
Lets examine this logic further. People have the right to free speech in this country (supposedly). Yet companies like Walmart actively refuse to make southern flag cakes because some people (other than the customer ordering the cake) find it offensive. Yet some how a baker who probably has to spend at least an entire work day, or more making a wedding cake is not allowed to turn down a job because it offends them? Censorship seems to be very selective. Also Social justice warriors seem to have an unhealthy fascination with cakes.
Furthermore even if you think homosexuality should be a protected class, you you really honestly believe the supposed hardship placed on this lesbian couple was so severe that the baker should pay $135,000, a sum that would be sure to destroy the livelihoods of almost anyone? Is the punishment proportional to the supposed crime? I don't think so. I believe this is way beyond insane.