Windows binaries available: purpose of this release is to allow people to play with colored coins and identify possible problems. However, it's nearly fully functional. But I recommend to be cautious. (See below.)
To run it you need to be running Bitcoin-Qt or bitcoind. You need to complete synchronization before you launch Armory.
Simply unpack it and launch. It requires about 1 GB of RAM in addition to what you need to run Bitcoin-Qt. Also it takes ~10 minutes to launch since it performs full blockchain scan. (Twice!)
There are two differences from normal Armory client: drop down which lets you to choose color and 'Hallucinate' menu section. Also some functions were disabled.
It comes with color definition TESTcc. But obviously you have no coins.
You can issue your own: send some coins to wallet you've created in armory, then go to menu Hallucinate -> Issue colored coins. Enter name, change parameters if you want and it will create coins for you.
Before you send those coins to other you need them to install this color definition (and obviously they should be using color-aware client), otherwise coins will be lost.
Simplest way to install color definition is to fetch it by ColorID from a color definition registry. So you can simply note ColorID of your freshly issued coins, then post it to forum/blog/IRC channel, like
Hi, I've issued FooCoins, color ID c03e572bc2c8520112194a95a29b24c7e99fc87e. I'm going to sell each on for 0.1 BTC and buy them back month later for 0.11 BTC per pieces
Then people who are interested in these bonds can download color definition (Hallucinate -> Download color definition -> enter color ID) and accept them from you.
Alternatively you can get color definition file (~/.armory/colordefs/c03e572bc2c8520112194a95a29b24c7e99fc87e.colordef) and host in on your server. Then people can download it via URL, say that case you do not depend on color definition registry server availability. (For the record, I manage color definition registry which is used by this build of client, code is available here: )
Currently you can trade colored coins OTC, e.g. #colored-coins-otc channel on freenode.
But auto-trade (which would allow to buy/sell coins automatically) is almost ready, and we are making progress on p2p exchange.
- All colors mode is dangerous, you will lose your precious colored coins if you send coins from it. I'll likely disable it in next release
- Only functionality which is tested is plain and simple sending/accepting coins. Fancy stuff like offline transactions and payment URIs is not tested and might not work
- Be careful with units, check twice
- Global ledger is somewhat broken, but it gives you a general idea
- You need 1 confirmation to see colored coins, so coins can 'disappear' when you've made a transaction, that's OK