I had already read few days ago that claimwithme system was a lose one. I was hoping in some more time before the fault.
I collected 150k in one week, ten times more then others micropayment faucets.
I didn't try to withdraw, after what I'm reading today, maybe I hope it's something temporary for the 31st July split.
If I'll try, I'll let you know. But I'll wait for some good new.
I would like to ask why btc sites pays so less money, while websites like clixadsense (http://www.clixsense.com/?11508326) offers 0.01$ (500sat) to watch an ad, 0.08 (4000sat) for simple tasks and 1.25$ (60000 sat) for a survey.
Edit. And they don't use banners and reloads.
Btc websites are bad managed? Why they offer so lower rates, and when offers higher go to fault, like this one?