one question about mining zcash.
i alredy have 2 rigs (sapphires 470 and 480 8gb) and i am mining mostly ehereum.
i will like to build one mlre rig, more specialist for zcash. i will like to know what do i need to look on gpus? for ethereum i was looking more on memory, how is here.
do i need to buy 8gb or i can get 4 gb for the same hashing power? i know that nvidia is better, but it is also more expensive.
any advice very welcome. thanks.
For Zcash the "best" option would be GTX 1070s.... if your budget permits buying the more expensive hardware at the start. If you check out profit calculator and use their hashrate for Equihash, Lbry, and LyraRev2 algorithms on the calculator you will see that their are several coins that do very well with NVIDIA right now. ZEC, VTC, MONA, and Lbry are coins that come to mind atm, there may be others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
I have one r9 270 and three r9280x GPUs now. I'M planning to sell them one by one and replace them with nvidia gtx 1070.
Does AMD and NVidia cards work together in the same rig?
I don't think they currently work together using Claymore for mining ZEC. I believe it is supposed to be possible to mine ETH with Claymore's ETH miner using AMD and Nvidia together, but I have never tried it.
I recently sold some AMD cards and bought Nvidia and they are great at mining ZEC with EWBF's miner - but that is CUDA (Nvidia) only I think.
ETH miner does work with mixed cards. I ran a GTX 670 and R9 380 for awhile until the DAG got too big for the 670.