don't just discuss. go to plant more tree as you can.
Yeah I do my part, will you? because we can't wait and watch the disaster without taking preventive measures. First we need to identify the problem clearly and then only together we can stand up in order to protect the earth.
Trust me ....
It's up to you to trust me or not it doesn't make anything to me or my work.
You sound a lot like Al Gore and I do not know anyone who would trust that guy.
That's your point of view not others.
Also I do not think you have clearly thought these things through.
I think I have clear thoughts about what I'm saying and can you highlight where you feeled that I haven't through those things? Can you highlight any incorrect facts that I have mentioned. Because I only want to highlight the actual scenario of what's going on at the moment. I think facts matters rather than accusations.
Are you a shitposter from Reddit Climate?
"Reddit" LOL. Can you prove it? Don't judge a member without looking at his profile. I'm still a member but I'm not a underworld freak who do Bounties, I don't expect such a childish behavior from a legendary member like you. I think "shitposter" is the person who ruins a thread without adding any value to the discussion. So who is the shitposter? Is it me?
RE shitposter, I was joking, you used the word first. Your extensive use of graphs and charts, reminded me of numerous propaganda threads on the reddit climate threads, from which many who disagreed were banned, and are now here.
Yes, you do seem to draw incorrect or unwarranted conclusions from partial or poorly understand phenomena. This is typical of AGW believers —
(1) pick a set of data which affirms the theory of AGW
(2) assert that man is responsible and must change his ways
(3) detail how he must change his ways
Almost always by the time one gets to (3) the assertions are wildly inaccurate.
So to answer your question, yes, there are logical errors both in 1-->2, and 2-->3.
I would comment that science is hard, and a lot of time the answer is "we don't know." Believers in AGW want to propagate their belief, and they have an absolute certainty as to their righteousness. That is much more like religion than science.
New findings occur almost daily, but it may be fifty or seventy-five years before we really understand the chaotic system of climate and it's dynamics.