Who unequivocally lobby for passage making one of the more noteworthy speeches of support on the Senate floor and then proudly cast her vote?
And hey I supported the war and the decisions Bush made along with Hillary's vote.
You're the one in the quandary here not me.
I supported neither. I am in no quandary.
BTW, how old were you during 9/11? I was 34 years old on my way to work on the train in Chicago.
At the time, planes were rumored to be headed for the Sears Tower. I did not know what was going on til I got downtown. People were running up the train platforms.
I got to my office and found out one of the towers was down. Right after that, we saw the second one go down online.
That happened under GWB. NOTHING even close has happened under Obama. But yet, we are told by you GOP faithful, that nothing like that would happen under your watch. Sorry, don't believe you. You need fear to sell your ideology. You would let it happen again if it meant giving you more power. I have no doubt. 9/11 was the best thing to ever happen to GWB. He was useless before that.
Then magically, we went to Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. A friend of mine who was a 20 year vet, quit the army. His quote? "I am not here to make money for Cheney on the backs of our kids. I am a proud veteran, but I will not be used. This is not a war to protect our people. This is disgusting."