Mini twitter bounty promotion-Funds has been escrowed
This is a contest with GREATER and GUARANTEED payment for the winner to earn upto 0.0036 BTC for one time task.
Pretty simple one time task to earn 0.002BTC or more
1. Follow![](
2. Retweet positive statement must having these two hashTags: #FollowMasudul #EarnBitcoin
3. Fill up the form:![](
4. Finally submit the form.
Enter your
bitcoinTalk profile link in the section
Feedback/special comment if you have any. (optional) of the google form.
(Must to identify that you are a BitcoinTalk user)![](
Wear the custom text with this bounty link
under your username (optional)
0.002BTC paying
You must have 100 or more followers to join this campaign.
Twitter audit has to be over 80% or more.
Newbie can join.
1 account one user.
Last date to participate: 12th June 2018 @23:59 London time.
Time remaining:![](
I reserve the full right to modify/update this personal promotional campaign.
There will be one winner. The winner will be RANDOMLY selected within 24hours of expiring the remaining time.
Randomly selection will be picked by a computer generated web program.
Minimum 1000 more followers with valid submissions required before selecting a winner. Recorded followers at the beginning of the campaign:
0.002 BTC to the winner
Receive EXTRA upto 30%
1Additional 0.001 for BitcoinTalk profile link
How to validate BitcoinTalk submission
Your twitter link:
Number of followers:
Your twitter audit link:
Spreadsheet row number:
BTC address (same address submitted on the google form):
Fund confirmation
Funds available: message:
FollowMasudul and Retweet to earn 0.002 Bitcoin.
This is FollowMasudul signing this message on 12th May 2008 @14:39 London time for my Twitter campaign.
Fund has been escrowed to DarkStar_
I will. By the way did you see my dumb mistake. I sent the fund to 1DarkStrRagcDjWtsPGxkav4WG3poLXzDS address instead of the SegWit (3NZq4b2anY2QwSrM6GC8fxfRxCHfRdRJkz) address you advised on the signed message.
Accept my apology. Please let if that's ok. I won't mind to send you the transaction fee if you want to.
Not a big deal, tx fees are low so I'll just cover the tx fee from my fee
Thanks to DarkStar_ for accepting the fund as escrow. Confirmation message==============================================
1Act now and receive upto EXTRA 30% bonus!!! Total of 0.0006 + 0.002 = 0.0026 BTC
The earliest response receives EXTRA 30% bonus and the latest response receives 0% bonus. Response time will be recorded automatically.