She/he just posted it because you asked him/her to bump the thread.
False, I already checked the social media accounts and you're in the circle of friends.
I will clarify to you again that I really don't care if it's working or not, I just wanted to know the assurance of your service. How can an individual have a transaction to you if your thread was vouched for by your friends only?
Your first post in the forum
Possibly, you're just an alt account of uyysidmc for having the same service and also the same reply of rodney0404 in his/her service thread and your service thread. Imagine, he uses the same image just to bump both threads. It makes sense at all.
From 97 to 1599 followers in just 24 hours! Thank you for your service dude, it's very cheap
Obviously, you guys are just trying to bump the thread to have good feedback.
That's what I'm asking for, assurance. I'm trying to debunk your service at the same time help you to grow up in the scene of business.