IF it is fake, I would guess a CNN blogger has been hacked?
Just curious as to why the site would still work... I assume most seizures happen without notice.
EDIT: I will also mention the 'full story' link at the bottom doesn't work. Odd? (it links to the NSA leaks story: http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/21/politics/nsa-leaks)
I'd say its fake... '4 hours ago' mismatching the 'June 22nd' date, the first line of the article saying the '22th', the inaccurate full story link, comments disabled, Something just seems off on that article.
And this is the only blog post by "CNN's Melissa Gray and Dan Lothian".
To follow-up... the page has now changed. It started switching between '4 hours ago' and '1 minute ago' multiple times as I hit 'refresh'... now it has stuck at 1 minute ago... and ultimately is now 3 minutes ago... etc. The main thing I noticed that has changed about the page is that the 'full story' link is now GONE.