I would like to know the same.
He said.
Bitcoin Address: 1JuiceFY97v92LHvkAjHy1FWoqFkAnQiC4
Last one!!
Sent (https://blockchain.info/tx/5e3fb4aabca92df16e5fd96e863b9b6cc2d294c3c8f803b9d9ec93b79826ff18)
Yeah, except he said that before and several people have joined after it.
Several = two, and he made exceptions for me and escrow.ms.
Anyway, although I can't speak for him, it is the middle of the month of the signature campaign, and I think it would be better to ask around May 1st, when it's a new month?
Although, again, I cannot be sure.
Then you shouldn't speak for him. And it's three people.
I was never speaking for him Just giving my opinion.
And which three people? I count two, me and escrow.ms