I am getting at least 40% less shares consistently than when the pool hash was between 3-3.5K.
Also a month or two back where all miners had to restart their machines/proxy to reconnect I was getting +25% shares per shift consistently until miners reconnected.
Sorry but I may have to switch pools. I'd rather not as I have the least problems with your pool, but a little hassle is better than a 1-3% fee and a 40% share loss.
If I understand you correctly, that is the expected behaviour for PPLNS. As the hashrate increases, you get fewer shares per shift, but the same number of shares per day and the same number of coin per week.
Assuming my hash rate doesn't change, if I'm seeing higher than 100% PPS only 10% of the time and the rest of the time its around 50-60%, wouldn't I still be making more by just doing straight PPS?
i.e. in order for me to break even, I need block per shift to be at least 9, there are occasional strings of shifts that run 9+ for 10 or so shifts, but this maybe happens once a week. The majority of the time the block per shift is between 4-8 (outside of green). Again, assuming my hash rate doesn't change and I'm submitting the same number of shares, aren't I still making more BTC by doing PPS instead?
I know that all PPLNS is pretty much just luck, but if difficulty is constantly increasing, won't this luck just continue to get worse and worse as more ASICs are added to the fold?
PPLNS has paid more than PPS consistently over the last month. The problem is you focus on bad shifts and don't acknowledge the good shifts (its human nature to dwell on the negatives). If you were mining with two identical speed workers, one on PPS, one on PPLNS this month, you would have made somewhere around 110% PPS on the PPLNS worker.
The last 90 MATURED shifts (you cannot include open shifts) have averaged 9.3 blocks per shift, AKA: 0.0000076339143/share (more than 100% PPS).
The last 190 matured shifts have averaged 9.48 blocks/shift, or 0.00000777397457/share, which is 2% above 0%-fee PPS.
For those negative nancies like myself, would it be possible to start getting information like this put somewhere on the PPLNS Shift History page? I think it might get more people to stick with PPLNS through the phases of bad luck if they had some stats they could look at that verified the average yield of blocks per shift. Putting it simply, that information you just posted about the last 90 Matured sprints, I don't have access to (unless I were to track it myself and do the math myself, all of which I don't have time for).