Difficulty: 37392766.136475
Diff. Increase per day: 1.3753 %
Block Reward: BTC
Blockchain data provided by blockexplorer.com
Planned time to mine: 12 Months
Utilization: 100 %
Mining Hardware Data Alydian ASIC
Mining Hardware: Hash Rate: 5000000 MHash/s (5 terahash)
Number of units: 5
Investment: 232500
Power Requirements: 0 W
Power Cost: 0 USD/kWh
Exchange Rate: USD/BTC
Pool Fee: ? %
Time to Delivery: 2 Weeks
Exchange rate (weighted 24h average) provided by bitcoincharts.com
Estimated Mining Results
Initial Coins per Day: 65.90257387
Initial Income per Day: 6589.60 USD
Reduction per Week: 10.3 %
Break-even: 31.9 Days
... considering reduction: 41.9 Days
Income/planned time: 2196850.80 USD
... considering reduction: 269139.94 USD
Remember: "Prediction is difficult, especially about the future"
These are some basic ROI figures for 5 TERAHASH. Depending on the amount that is funded this could be double. What I want you all to understand is that the 1st months ROI are pretty dismal..due to the large required reinvestment program. This is a rapid ramp up program to stay within a certain percentage of total network strength for ...well...ever.
I have some truly innovative ideas about the future distribution of the internet that dovetail nicely with this whole idea.
After meeting the necessary startup goal for funds the 1st month, we will reinvest 70% of the revenue generated into more hashing power. This will continue for 2 to 3 months or until Hosted-Mining is holding approximately 10% of the network strength. We will continue to leverage the profits to maintain this strategic position.
Quoting the whole thing for posterity - so there's no denying later that the whole initial estimate was based on a typo.