I've just registered and having a look at the API as i need that sorted before any miners are put onto the pool, and apparently im being a nuisance already
Im hitting the workername limit, because of a long registered username length basically, im assuming the db limit is 25char, and being the nuisance i am, i need 26.
I've tried settings > user name, and abbreviating the username to 3 char, but the workername persists with the original user name before it.
Is there any chance of extending the workername length, infact ideally i'd rather have the
[username].[workername] part being abbreviated seeing as the login is done by email addr and i can put a full name into the 'settings > user name' but for display purposes, but im certain this is a deeper setting than we have access to as members.
Very impressed with the setup though, its clean and looking very positive going forward.
I'll go back to my cave and be quiet now
-- edit --
I've just come back to mess a little more on the site, added a 2nd worker and its using the shortened username. So it seems an existing workername doesnt update the username part, but newly created ones use the current data. So thats not too bad, however i cannot find an option to delete a worker. Hide is there, but delete would be preferred if that could be added to the development list, till then hidden isnt going to cause any problems.