Well, if NODE realy uses N*N topology we realy have a serious problem. If there are just 1000 nodes online many users will have problems as it's not uncommon that cheap consumer routers can't handle that much connections (or even more).
I have several times repeated, we use technology node.js. Node.js allows the use of both 100 000 connection. I'm not talking about the scalability peers, then we will go further. Node.js network application
Crypti also used Node.js but failed because of scalability. Node.js is not a panacea.
BTW, i run >500k node for several days without activity and forged 0 blocks.
How NODE suppose to keep network?
To forge one needs to send nodecoins.
To send nodecoins one need to get them somehow.
To get mostly means to buy.
So to keep network one needs constantly buying nodecoins.
Smells like Ponzi
Edit: Is every second block forged by 2369164829769651788?