They are sending nodes back and forth and gaining activity to forge blocks. It almost seems they are getting the fee back to theire own by the forges. is this right?
If you look at with the ID: 11363936448759590364
See that they've gotten 7 foreges in the last 25 blocks.
What you guys think, good or bad?
He/She is hoping to catch other transactions up in the flurry of their own this strategy will work really well for them while the market is small and noone else is competing with them but as soon as the pool grows or more people decide to compete with them they will start loosing. I thought about getting in while the trade pool is small but mathematically with each person this tactic get's worse, better not to get caught in the rat race. Buy cheap and hold. Also when the pool grows getting a forge will be more like winning the lottery, rare but a good pay out. I don't tink forging should be looked upon as a profit center and I think that was the developers intention.
Those are mine accounts. I've reported about it to Silk already. He said pretty much the same what jwilford said. When it get bigger it will be lottery. Plus they are going to present some additional fixes as well.
I wasn't the first one who started it by the way. Just saw how others doing it. And experimented myself.
Once again it is possible now because of small amount of active peers. Plus only me and some others trying to exploit it. So why not? The sooner more people will try to do it the better.
Because of this behavior people will hate PoA.. Thanks a lot! Before this stupid actions started, I forged blocks only by having my wallet open and now I get nothing.. very funny. Hopefully devs have a good idea to prevent this in the future, not by hoping that enough greedy persons try the same.
Like it or not it is possible. And it will be exploited.
Bug in POA???
Not bug.
Just because of small amount of active peers and trasactions one can try luck and immitate activity to gain points for blocks forging.
Now it is working pretty good. Later will be much harder.
Its working now and its not cheating. Everybody can do the same. I have not enough Nodes to do and i dont like it. But there is no reason to insult people.