There is a crypto out there that does this, it is still in beta but it works. I don't want to give the name because for personal reasons I don't want to give support to the crypto.
1) How do you confirm the transaction
-When Adding transaction peers sends it all when another peer receives a new transaction, and it is valid, it again sends it to all active peers, if the transaction is already with peer and came transaction is valid - it is added confirmation
With this work we want to achieve high speed confirmation, so you can get more than 50 - 100 confirmation in less than 1-3 seconds
If the user Node will pay in the store will receive a quick result as Visa or PayPal
2) How does the verification blocks
- Similar to confirm the transaction
At Node double verification blocks
- When the blocks generates all of its peers are checked for validation
- At the start of the client
Node checks the transaction and blocks
- Not validate the transaction will not be added to the block,
- Not valid block will not be added to blockchain
Therefore, we take more time beta testing we want to debug the Node.
We are preparing a white paper, you will soon learn the full functionality of