This doesn't really sit well with me because you are essentially incentivized by issuing new stock instead of being incentivized by making a profit for investors. I'm fine with the initial 18% going to the fund officers, but I think they should just keep some of the profits as re-occurring "payment" instead of issuing new shares for an 18% payday. Also, simply leveraging 100BTC doesn't mean you're actually giving 100BTC to the fund, it just means it's available. And, the dilution of percentage IS important for voting purposes. Are the officers allowed to sell their initial shares? Are they allowed to vote?
I would simply suggest that any expansion be put to in a motion and that motion should include payment specifics for the officers. I also think that the officers should abstain from voting.
Thank you for putting my concerns in this easy to understand sentences. Still not clear if 10/61 from new shares go directly to THE RESERVE or not, however 1/61 always go directly to the officers...
Anyhow, its useless now, ask prices doubled to 2BTC meanwhile.