They did not charge a pool fee for the 23rd. Fee starts on the 24th. How generous.
Also my last payment before all this pool business was on the 2nd of October. My next payment which used to come around the 17th did not arrive and it seems the pool records start at the 23rd. So where have my owed coins gone from between the 2nd and the 23rd??
I have been patient but I am rapidly loosing patience with CH
I got quite a few payments on the 23rd from 12:49am to 1:03am. I assumed it was them catching up from the 15th.
I've been drinking so I can't do the maths but does that seem right? I don't want to sound naive (i'm sure that ship has sailed) but I'm hoping their are planning to get everything running more smothly and then they will address the missing payments, etc.
This was always a risky investment! so I risked what I thought appropriate, enough to be pissed if I lose it all (I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen), but not so much I'd wish people get "ass cancer"