This whole dump was orchestrated to wreck longs. There were some comments on trading channels where people who do this for a living couldn't even set a position in time before it was all over. One guy said he went away for a few minutes to make some tea and when he was back it was all over. It doesn't happen that fast unless it's set by bots or the exchanges itself.
That's why I stay away from trading. This game is rigged.
Even if it's not and Coinbase has nothing to do with it, it's ridiculous that such a big exchange still has this problem after years. Why would anyone trade there if it goes down every time there is some volatility? Bitcoin is VOLATILITY, the exchange is basically going to be down 50% of the time.
I find it interesting that the couple exchanges I'm close with have presented a huge influx of new users. Compared to last month at least, seems that these last couple of days people have been registering en masse. It's possible coinbase saw a similar behavior and wasn't prepared for it, heck, it's funny to type that out. "Coinbase wasnt prepared for it"