TF- Don't bother answering the trolls. They are not your investors. It is obvious to those of us who invested with you that you were hacked and are the biggest victim here. Just keep us posted on the remaining assets and options.
+1 to this and +10 to the ignore button; the insulting 12 year olds and their indisputable "Omg yuu musta stolenz da bitcoinez!" argument were starting to piss *me* off. Can't imagine how TF feels.
What a terrible shame this is. Not just for TF, but for the whole community. Inputs was starting to take off as a viable new service; CL had become the de facto place to invest if Asicminer stock returns were underwhelming; we *all* lose when one of the Good Guys takes a hit like this. Pissy little children might not grasp that "subtle" concept but I'm sure the rest of us do. Just keep us in the loop, TF, and don't let the bastards get you down.
I dont think a programmer who made and is a scammer. and CL shouldn't stop, they should be strong after this.