Ödül: 20 FIO = 8 Dolar
Nasıl katılırım?
1) Coinmarketcap'e kayıt ol.
https://coinmarketcap.com/2) Binance borsasına kayıt ol.(Kyc şart)
https://www.binance.com/tr/register3) Video sayfasına gidin ve videoları izleyin.
Video sayfası:
https://coinmarketcap.com/earn/project/fio-protocol4) Take the quiz butonuna basıp testi başlatın ve aşağıdaki cevapları verin.
What is the total supply of FIO tokens?
What is the FIO Protocol?
(A service-layer . . . . .)
What does the FIO Protocol replace the need for?
(Long and complicated public keys)
What can the FIO Protocol be used for?
(All of the above)
The FIO Protocol enables . . .
(All of the above)
What is the FIO Token used for?
(All of the above)
What is a FIO Address?
(A customized, unique human-readable wallet name and NFT)
FIO Domains such as @domain . . .
(All of the above)