Rest assured that user tatibih758 created multiple accounts in violation of our Terms of Service. All original deposits were returned to the user. Only winnings were confiscated.
The relevant articles in our Terms of Service are below. CoinRoyale considers this matter closed.
Basic Terms
* Only one account per person/household/computer is permitted. Users are not permitted to open multiple accounts in order to circumvent the rules of the site. If multiple accounts are used we reserve the right to close accounts and confiscate funds.
Fair Play
* Any instances of bonus abuse by a player as a result of multiple accounts or bypassing rollover requirements will result in permanent account closure. Players found to be abusing the spirit of the promotion may also be excluded from promotions; bonus and any winnings will be forfeited from their account too.
You are kidding me ?
You say about return original deposit.
Give me TXID !!!
You can see on this snapshot all transactions.
And you see that I have only deposit.
Any who wants (moderator, admin) can write to my PM, and i will show in zoom all information from account!!!
This casino is scam!