Oh boy what am I seeing here, many noobs trying to promote their useless coins, it's like masternodes are something magical
all of the coins mentioned here combined have less than 1000 active and real traders with horrible markets, not to mention pre-mined or insta-mined coins. none of them ever had any community experts reviewing their codes completely, as usual they hope for uneducated and noobs to fall for them and invest their money on their coins.
Agreed Masternode is the new hype.
So an analogy could be if I found a coin called bucket of shit coin with no practical or everyday use and it is cheap at 0.002 cents
I could by a couple of hundred thousand bucket of shit coins (Simply because it has a Masternode)
Then my buck of shit coins will become more valuable as more people buy them and HODL them for the Masternode rewards
In 12 months time, my bucket of shit coins which still have no use in the real world I have made 30% more than I paid for them
Now will there be a buyer of my bucket of shit coins in 12 months because other than having a magical Masternode they still have no use?
What will the market price be? Masternode owners dumping so that new wanna-be Masternode owners can purchase, then rinse and repeat also with the risk of the price decreasing even further as more Masternode coins are made and my bucket of shit coin sits on top of the worst Masternode coin list.
I guess the premise of what I am saying is, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a fucken pig.
Unless the coin has the potential for providing a service to replace fiat or provides something useful or beneficial then it is just another shit coin, but except it is a shit coin with a masternode.
On the other hand though, a coin that has a Masternode feature that has a real world usage and increases in value would be a obviously good investment so my point is unless the coin is actually worth something or you can see it potentially being worth something, I would say stay away from it, don't let the fact that it has a masternode trick you into thinking the coin is going to show any signs of growth if fundamentally it is just another shit coin.
Most of the coins I have seen on some of the Masternode lists here have about as much potential as an Ashtray on a Motorcycle.