Your Leading Source for Digital Currency Information
Welcome to the next advancement on Coins Source. Our priority is to bring users the ultimate experience for alternative currencies. Information is key, knowing when to buy, sell and becoming profitable.
In order to assist our users further, we've launched our very own, BETA coin market rankings.
You have the option to convert the entire crypto list into a currency of your choosing, sort by price, name and increase over a 24 hour period.
Some other features: Coin page - Every market cap listed, gets linked to a full review, scoring, specifications, links, and more pricing data. W
Price - Convential price change which is updated every few minutes
-24HR Price - Get the inside access on how the coin is doing, a quick glance will tell you what the price was 24 hours ago
Market Capitalization - Know the size of your market
Volume - know how much USD, CYN, EURO, HKD, Rubies or JPY your markets are in. With seamless integrations
Increase - The postive or negative market reactions over a 24 hour period
Current Supply - Know how many coins are minted currently.
Personal Calculator - convert Bitcoins, Litecoins or Ripples into any major world currency
Sorting - Sort our market list by: Price, Increase or highest price
Beautiful interface, get the most professionally done crypto market listing on any site.
Coming Very Soon:On-demand Portfolio with integrated block-chain updates
Mining information - Difficulty, Hash rate and more
Graphs of the top markets that accept the curreny, without the clutter. We will integrate our charts by simply clicking on the market you desire.
Coins Source is more then a market cap site, we are your one stop-digital currency information site. Simple, beautiful and well-thoughtout.
Interact with professionals on our forums, get the insight you deserve.
This is just one of the many features you can find on Coins Source.
Get SourceCoins today, let us know which coins you want listed or improvements that'd you want to see. The sky is not the limit for us, space is.
Contribute to Coins Source, obtain SourceCoins.. become more informed and profitable.