Hello! Affirmatively don't you think you are instigating immorality that may be affective to the weaken immunes when it has to do with educations and related studious sectors?
Ok. For benefits of doubts how do we successfully grab the knowledges that is acquired when sat in the classrooms as processes to qualify and obtains other varsity degrees before a phD?
Would be clearly noted if you can give a drastic measure on how we can boycott those said trashed degrees so we can get to the hills of obtaining the said golden phD degree.
You probably need somewhere around the corners and find yourself a comfortable place because majority of schoolars are not phD holders and the rest are either illiterates.
So you can just suit yourself and excuse those corners you occupies with the above majorities who are below phD holders.
Personally your aspirations are agitating uncivil and unprofessionalism crisis that is termed to be lively disasterous meant to be worse than COVID-19 crisis.
Do you ever imagine the state of rascalities? because that is what you craves for.