is any one in this category that can help me with advise on how to go about combining trading and gambling at the same time.
I tried it once trying to do multi-task, posting here and doing trading and at the same time, doing captcha you cannot keep up on trading and doing some other thing it's time-consuming, and your mind keeps shifting from one tab to another, I got a headache doing that and you cannot do anything offline everything is online I gain 5 kilos because of this, you have to get up from your chair from time to time.
What kind of trading are you doing bro? Even a swing trade don't require that stressful work unless you are watching every transaction made on the exchange? You should set a TP/SL when you are trading and just wait for it to trigger your setup, Stop doing a FOMO boy trading or else you will gain more kilos but doing that hassle stuff. Be a smart trader, the only thing you need to make is chart analysis then make a position.