Tem algum número de quantos bitcoins já gastaram nessa empreitada?
Alguns posts sobre as despesas do novo fórum:
Yeah, that's Slickage's $100k monthly fee. The amounts aren't exact, though. I send approximately the correct amount to an intermediate wallet of my own, and then it gets sent to Slickage via Coinbase.
The total cost will probably be around $1.5 million, which is more than I'd hoped, though not entirely unexpected.
When I first contacted Slickage, I stated my budget as $1.5 million. They estimated that only $1 million would be necessary. But the requirements changed in various ways, and (as always) various unexpected issues cropped up.
The forum money I held has largely been spent now, mostly in the forum software project. Slickage was paid $100,000 per month in all of 2014 and until May in 2015. Since June 2015, they've been paid $50,000 per month. The exchange rate varied substantially throughout this period, but the end result is that most of the BTC was spent.
The rate ($85,417/month average as of the end of 2015) might seem high to people unfamiliar with professional software development, but it's normal. The project is quite a bit over-due and over-budget (the original estimate was 1 year and $1.2 million), but I've been constantly monitoring Slickage, and they've definitely been making solid, continual progress, so it seemed correct to continue to project. The vast majority of total forum revenue was from ads, not donations, but to the extent that donations were used: this software was in fact the main stated goal of donations.
Income: $996,494 + $6257 donations
Expenses - Forum software project: $246,138
Expenses - Mods and others: $261,433
Expenses - Hosting etc: $49,726
Income: $473,247 + $479 donations
Expenses - Forum software project: $272,250
Expenses - Mods and others: $204,547
Expenses - Hosting etc: $43,907
Tax is not included for 2017. Because bitcointalk.org is tax-wise a disregarded entity, it's difficult for me to calculate the tax costs attributable to forum activities. I'll do it some other day.
Inicialmente era pensado em pagar cerca de 5500 bitcoins pelo novo fórum, que não valiam quase nada comparado aos gastos já realizados:
Looking for someone to create/modify software for this forum [5500+ BTC]
Se eu não me engano tinha um beta desse software novo que a gente podia usar. Eu já cheguei a utilizar pelo celular porque a navegação por lá é bem ruim. Se não me engano o domínio era realmente beta.bitcointalk.org. No PC eu até gosto do estilo atual, mas pelo celular fica bem ruim de usar.
Lá em 2016 teve um, sim. Agora está offline.
I'm happy to announce that the new forum software (called Epochtalk) is now officially open for public testing at
https://beta.bitcointalk.org/. Please help test it. To log in, you currently have to click on "Help, I forgot my password" to reset your password first. This password reset affects only beta.bitcointalk.org. For extra security, I recommend using a different password on the beta than on the main forum.
You can post about any bugs or missing features in either
New forum software here or
Beta discussion on the beta forum.