= 2.5 GH/s
where are they?
blab blah
so they are in future.
in the same comparison you list next to each other existing capacity for item A and planned capacity for item B (read non existing)
not telling you're outright lying but it's safe to assume that you're not telling the truth or / and don't provide objective data. case closed.
Look new investors can either accept: Bitcoin Syndicate: 2MHash/s per BTC invested or 0.5MHash/s per Share or take RSM: 4.16MH/s per BTC invested or 1.32MH/s per share. RSM first ASIC/FPGA board has been paid for and ordered as I get more investment I can buy unit two, then three and then finally the dedicated low power PC. Even If I don't get one more investor I'm happy as I've had enough so far to purchase the first ASIC/FPGA board and then I'll buy the rest myself and be rich unless investors who are welcome due to speeding the project up beat me to it. Stop being bitter for me exposing your poor deal.
I pointed out publicly available info that RSM shows 1900 shares issued
and another publicly available info - your statement about per share attributes of this stock
and that those do not match / can't be truth in a universe where 1 + 1 = 2 and Wednesday comes before Thursday.
it's not about happiness. It's about the same data should be evaluated the same way.
how do you want to build trust if you can't tell truth about the operation?
let me show you a manipulative example:
since you've chosen the syndicate, let them market speak their capacity and compare to your initial statement
5.6 GH/s in 7 BFLS units purchased
6.0 GH/s in existing GPU mining
divided per 9100 shares (2900 IPO stock still out there)
1.27 MH/s per share or take BTCSYN over 5 MH/s per bitcoin
only a bit of stretching and the truth is gone.