Nope. When paying with credit card, the only thing "immediate" is the CC company saying "we just processed a payment, you'll probably end up receiving the money within a few days, but we can't tell for sure it won't be reversed until 6 months from now".
If this was even remotely feasible to pull off (and I'm not talking some crazy theoretical scenario, but an actual real life situation, e.g. involving cups of coffee) nobody would be accepting Bitcoin, especially not in shops or other zero-confirmation situations. But guess what - they all are. And since the beginning of Bitcoin, this has resulted in exactly zero problems.
Transaction time (the time it takes to process a payment)
Bitcoin: 1-2 sec
Credit card: 3-5 sec
Money arrival time (the time at which the merchant actually receives the money and can spend it)
Bitcoin: 1-2 sec
Credit card: several business days
Confirmation time (the time at which the merchant can be sure the payment won't be reversed)
Bitcoin: 10 minutes
Credit card: 6+ months
So, what was the problem with Bitcoin, again?