"...false Whois information can be grounds for cancellation of their domain name registration. Registrants must review their Whois data, and make any corrections."
There is plenty more legalistic mumbo-jumbo if you want to read it but bottom line is, if whois is inaccurate, you are in violation and the registration can be revoked.
I'm reading through this now. Thanks.
Trying to find how / where to change the information.
Notice to all: I'm not changing the information to hide anything. I have nothing to hide.
I am changing it to my personal information so that it's accurate with who actually possesses the domain name.
If you're being compromised and hacked on your perepheral sites used to do financial / crypto stuff it's highly likely you're either rootkit'd or keylogged..
Not to say it doesn't happen to competent developers as well.. But it's pretty fucking rare that a sysop who knows what they are doing gets comprimised.
I've no thoughts for or against you being a scammer.. But I sure as shit can raise an eyebrow if you're the type of individual I'd want to hold custodial funds but can't secure his own.. :/