I'm hugely excited to announce to you that CoinLab will be teaming up with Mt. Gox and Silicon Valley Bank to provide Bitcoin purchase, sale and exchange services to customers in the U.S and Canada as of March 31, 2013.
Alpha Transition -- Launching Very Soon [Date=Unknown, before March 15th]
To apply to participate in the Alpha, please fill out this form
Approximately 100 applicants will be accepted into the Alpha
We will select a variety of large and small transacting applicants into the Alpha testing population to best stress-test our system
Beta Transition -- March 15
To apply to participate in the Beta, please fill out this form
We will give access to roughly 5000 users during the Beta period
Live -- March 22
We'll have everyone moved over by March 22!
http://coinlab.com/transitionWe’ve transitioned two major customers over as of a couple weeks ago. Things are going smoothly with them, and so we’ll be sending out invites to everyone on the Alpha list shortly.
-Unknown date (Today?)
http://coinlab.com/statusWhy is it so hard to understand whats going on?
Does "provide Bitcoin purchase, sale and exchange services" mean the same thing as "moved over"?
If there are delays, then there are delays. Updating the webpage with estimated dates to reflect this is the cheapest part of the entire process. Is there other info somewhere else?