Please note that as the Earth continues to increase in frequency as we approach the upcoming "Event" all mass mind control techniques are becoming less and less effective. The Cabal is quite disturbed by this.
Can you explain exactly how this is possible in detail, both the radiation based mind control and the Earth increasing in frequency. Because I think the idea is preposterous.
First, we need to distinguish between atomic/molecular vibration and natural resonance. Now, all atoms/molecules vibrate (unless they're at absolute zero), but they vibrate at incredibly high frequencies - around 1*10^13 Hz (10 trillion Hz). A change in temperature causes this frequency to increase or decrease: More energy in = higher frequency and hotter, more energy out = lower frequency and colder. It is possible to influence these vibrations with radiation (like in a microwave) but we can still only make things hotter or colder. Please explain we can can "induce certain effects on the population" with radiation (other than cooking everyone's brain, which technically could be possible but isn't really mind control)?
Natural resonance is where solid objects (normally macroscopic) prefer to vibrate at certain frequencies, like the string of a guitar. The larger the object, the lower the natural resonant frequency. Macroscopic objects vibrate at frequencies in a much lower range than atoms/molecules, maybe 1-1,000,000 Hz. We can make an object vibrate by emitting its resonant frequency (eg when an opera singer breaks a glass by singing really loud at the glass's resonant frequency, probably in the range of 1 KHz).
When you say the Earth is increasing in frequency, do you mean that the molecules that it consists of are vibrating faster? That would make everything much much hotter and we don't see that happening, you would also need a radiation device the size of a planet to do it.
Do you mean its natural resonant frequency is increasing/being influenced? I don't know how this could work as the whole Earth would vibrate incredibly slowly, even the Schumann Resonance frequency is low at 7.83 Hz, and this isn't the Earth vibrating, it's electromagnetic waves bouncing between the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere. Also frequencies as low as this have minimal effect on us humans.
A detailed explanation would be great, thanks.
The Schumann resonance frequency has been increasing in recent decades much to the surprise of scientists. As you have correctly stated it's electromagnetic wave on the surface of the Earth. Electromagnetic waves of this sort do affect the human brain though. It is no coincidence that these frequencies correspond to the frequencies of the various states of human consciousness.
You can find a detailed explanation here: