
Topic: consequences of covid-19 - page 3. (Read 828 times)

Activity: 104
Merit: 11
April 14, 2020, 03:23:37 PM
if badecker can just get off the 5 sites he looks at and links to. and actually tries to search and research
he will see alot more information.

by limiting himself to only searching his 5 main sites he goes to HE is limiting HIS knowledge of whats really going on

meanwhile many other people re smart enough to research and actualy look for things from many sources and scrutinise it.
its a pitty that badecker wants to confine himself to certain websites.. doesnt he realise that self isolation does not apply to the internet

yes badecker, you dont have to isolate yourself to your 5 bookmarked websites. feel free to explore the entire internet. find new experiences. learn new things look at new things. be free,run wild, go out into the world wide web. be free the gates are open, set yourself loose

That's right, one should not rely solely on a limited number of pages, one should be informed of certain information available throughout the internet.
Activity: 104
Merit: 11
April 14, 2020, 03:20:42 PM
Because of all the lies and false information within Covid-19 reports, we don't know what the true consequences of CV really are?

But we can see what the consequences of media lying advertising of CV are becoming.


Probably there is false information about the consequences of covid-19, however given all the events, all the diseased and all the deceased of covid-19, this is not something to be joked about. We will all bear these consequences for quite some time.
Activity: 104
Merit: 11
April 14, 2020, 03:16:15 PM
The consequences of COVID-1 are so bad it shook the entire world This epidemic has put all the world's people in crisis you only said we should always attempt to overcome regardless of the situation That's why everyone has got to take care to guard their health. Otherwise the results would be even direr.

I agree with you, this is a very difficult period for all of us. By solidarity with one another, we can ease the situation we are in.
Activity: 104
Merit: 11
April 14, 2020, 03:12:57 PM
We should take note that a pandemic will come no matter what the circumstances are. This affects everything of course and consequences is just a collateral payment for it.

The pandemic is already there, and of course it is likely to return. We must learn to live with it and hope for a vaccine that will give us at least some safety.
Activity: 104
Merit: 11
April 14, 2020, 03:09:43 PM
Even if Government lifted all CV restrictions and lockdowns today, how long would it take the people to come out of their fear, and get back to work?

Video included.

America should brace itself for 18 MONTHS of shutdowns...

In an interview on CBS's 'Face the Nation' on Sunday, Kashkari said projections for a quick economic turnaround were overly optimistic unless a vaccine for COVID-19 became available in the next few months. 

'It would be wonderful if some new therapy were developed in the next couple months,' Kashkari said. 'Then potentially we would have a V-shaped recovery' – a term which describes a steep market decline followed by a quick resurgence.

But Kashkari, who oversaw the U.S.'s Troubled Asset Relief Program implemented in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, gloomily added: '[That] barring some health-care miracle, it seems we're going to have various phases of rolling flare ups.'

Such with a process, according to Kashkari, would involve 'different parts of the economy turning back on, [and] maybe turning back off again,' as part of an 18-month strategy.

Looking ahead, Kashkari says he isn't expecting the U.S. economy to bounce back quickly.


It will take a long time for people to adjust to a normal life, but we all need to be clear that our recovery will be long.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 14, 2020, 03:09:07 PM
research ~750k deaths all causes/reasons in hospital

badecker. no millions are dying due to medical error

badecker still tries to fit a 1cm square in a 0.75cm hole
Activity: 104
Merit: 11
April 14, 2020, 03:03:01 PM
Even if we eliminate the virus or not we are going to face consequences in both ways.
On the one hand, we are losing people's lives right now as people are dying everyday.
On the other hand, when this is going to end we are going to be on a global economic recession which is going to affect everyone on the planet and cause pain to us.

I agree with you and your thinking will be a difficult time for all of us.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 14, 2020, 02:36:17 PM
Rather, there are reports all over the Internet (though many of them are hard to find) that the number of annual accidental deaths due to hospital staff negligence, is more like a million... every year. And that is in the USA alone. So, how many is it worldwide? Multiple millions, even if we only used the low number like franky1 said above.

HA HA HA comedy gold

'more like a million'

yet the total deaths for all reasons all causes is less than 750k

hey badecker 0.75cm circle hole. and your trying to force a 1cm square into it..
um even a toddler knows that wont fit

try to actually do the research next time.. you know actually do the research
again to save telling you elsewhere too often
try to do the research

Again, the research has already been done. You can find it all over the Internet. But it won't jump out at you until you search for it.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 14, 2020, 02:18:11 PM
now that the toddler has been corrected

.. back to the topic
consequences of covid19

little toddlers who think the pandemic is the isolation and the isolation is the pandemic.. need not reply
just premeptively take this (facepalm) to anything you have to say

to those that know that the isolation has just delayed the spread and the spread will get worse over the next year-2years
alot of doctors are going to be told to come out of their speciality and try to help in ICU support roles.
doctors fear not having the training and having to learn on the job
doctors are right now in april pre-emptively trying to sort out their licence/insurance liability to make sure they are covered while supporting patients outside of their speciality.

yep real doctors know that there are going to be more need for more beds and more staff in the future.
the epidemic is not over. its still the calm before the storm

with that. yes doctors will make mistakes. such as badeckers 'expert'(facepalm) who was an er doctors moved to critical care and he intubated a patient under an ards protocol. even though the patient was at mild symptoms and not even at/yet at ards required protocol.

so yes doctors will make mistakes because there just are not enough ICU trained staff to cope
even badecker cant deny/hide from that after referencing his 'expert'

so the consequences are hospitals will be over loaded with patients and underloaded with trained staff to 100% manage patients to the best of the care the patient should get.

this is due to hospital lack of fuding and lack of buffering of provisions/supplies/staff to treat patients in a abnormal event

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 14, 2020, 02:03:48 PM
Rather, there are reports all over the Internet (though many of them are hard to find) that the number of annual accidental deaths due to hospital staff negligence, is more like a million... every year. And that is in the USA alone. So, how many is it worldwide? Multiple millions, even if we only used the low number like franky1 said above.

HA HA HA comedy gold

'more like a million'

yet the total deaths for all reasons all causes is less than 750k

hey badecker 0.75cm circle hole. and your trying to force a 1cm square into it..
um even a toddler knows that wont fit

try to actually do the research next time.. you know actually do the research
again to save telling you elsewhere too often
try to do the research
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 14, 2020, 01:59:21 PM
badecker you linked it and you have been talking about it you have even been linking it through other topics. so its you that believes it

yes typical badecker wants to now back away from his error by trying to distance himself by saying its not according to him thus pointing fingers at a report..

if he just read the report he would not have just blindly beleived it and instead not linked it then he would not have then thought it was true

simple. right
next time before you form an opinion. dont just read the title. actually scrutinise it.
or you will keep looking like a fool..

also to note about the report BADECKER LINKED. where BADECKER THEN USED TO CONCLUDE
"they mistakenly kill millions of their patients around the world every year."

the study was on deaths of 750k per year average of 2000-2008 (all causes, all reason)
they figured that wrong codes used on 220,000 certificates.(not how many died due to neglect, just wrong code)
yet they then made it into a percentage of 220,000 vs 31m hospitalisations

then took 2013 hospitalisations of over 35m to get their 250k assumed mistakes

here is the problem
in 2013. although there were more hospitalisations.. there were less deaths that year.
thus maths shows that things are not as badecker seems

another funny thing. the 'wrong code' was not different cause of death actually found which could have only been caused by physical bad treatment/bad meds/surguries gone wrong.
but based on assuming some codes are wrong

mega big thing to highlight.
if you actually study how many people of the actual 700k-750k die in us hospitals for all causes. and then break it down to single causes.
then you will see
things like the rate of deaths due to illicit drug overdose is between 20-70k
i guess badecker thinks drugs are no big deal
~38k by firearms
i guess badecker thinks getting shot is no big deal and everyone should be happy to get shot
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 14, 2020, 01:36:33 PM
according to badecker. 250k died due to medical neglect..

however what badecker should notice is how the study was done
was it done by checking for 250k death certificates..... no
was it done by looking at reports of actual neglect.... no
how did they get this figure

well they took 4 samples from data of 2000-2008 where wrong codes were used on reports.. and counted up the number of wrong codes vs how many hospitalisations..

then they just picked another year where many many many more people were hospitalised due of offering different services.
ill say this again. incase he wants to play ignorant
based on hospital admissions.
again.. in their words.. just to be clear
"they extrapolated that based on a total of 35,416,020 hospitalizations, 251,454 deaths stemmed from a medical error,"

it was not a number of actual deaths in 2013 year they pointed out.. it was not even based on total deaths and then averaging how many supposedly died die to error'

it WAS how many hospitalisations where results can be recovery or death.. and extrapolating that maybe somewhere in there is 250k deaths. and deaths due to error

kinda funny what badecker misses when he just copies clickbait titles without actually reading the detail and without scrutinising it

like i keep saying..

It's becoming easier to see franky1's lying duplicity. His first line above is "according to badecker. 250k died due to medical neglect.." Where did BADecker ever say this? Nowhere.

Rather, there are reports all over the Internet (though many of them are hard to find) that the number of annual accidental deaths due to hospital staff negligence, is more like a million... every year. And that is in the USA alone. So, how many is it worldwide? Multiple millions, even if we only used the low number like franky1 said above.

The medical is full of people who don't know what they are doing, and like to cover their mistakes up. So, how can we tell if the Coronavirus/Covid-19 thing is any kind of a problem at all? We can't. And it is appearing more and more to be a medical lie.

But the thing that we can tell is, franky1 would rather attempt to promote a lie than admit that mistakes are being made. He would rather attempt to cover up what is REALLY going on, than admit to possible errors. And then he tries to make it look like I am the one who is making the errors.

His thinking is, "Oh sure. A few people will be interested in looking up the statistics. But let's make this number of searchers as low as possible, by taking the focus off the medical, and focusing on BADecker, instead."

franky1. A promoter of the evil in medicine.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 14, 2020, 01:20:30 PM
according to badecker. 250k died due to medical neglect..

however what badecker should notice is how the study was done
was it done by checking for 250k death certificates..... no
was it done by looking at reports of actual neglect.... no
how did they get this figure

well they took 4 samples from data of 2000-2008 where wrong codes were used on reports.. and counted up the number of wrong codes vs how many hospitalisations..

then they just picked another year where many many many more people were hospitalised due of offering different services.
ill say this again. incase he wants to play ignorant
based on hospital admissions.
again.. in their words.. just to be clear
"they extrapolated that based on a total of 35,416,020 hospitalizations, 251,454 deaths stemmed from a medical error,"

it was not a number of actual deaths in 2013 year they pointed out.. it was not even based on total deaths and then averaging how many supposedly died die to error'

it WAS how many hospitalisations where results can be recovery or death.. and extrapolating that maybe somewhere in there is 250k deaths. and deaths due to error

kinda funny what badecker misses when he just copies clickbait titles without actually reading the detail and without scrutinising it

like i keep saying..
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1174
April 14, 2020, 12:52:33 PM
According to the IMF we've been hit by the greatest recession since 2009, so the economy will remain impaired for a long time. If I were to speculate I'd say another year. Many bigger countries will recover by printing money like crazy, but slow countries won't be able to print like that so it's either debt or bankruptcy and currency reset for them.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 14, 2020, 12:17:49 PM
worldometer numbers are those that reach hospital
and what you can get from these numbers is the source
you can check the source and find that source . and keep checking

you start to learn the scope of the data
then when you realise that not everyone makes it to hospital.
but from the ones that do you can see which ones recover and which ones dont.
and you can see the age range.

you start to realise the amount of deaths is higher than normal death tolls year on year
yea yea i know badecker will copy and past a 12 month toll and say it compares to a 2 month toll(feb-april).. but doesnt realise there is 12 months in a year not 2month so he has to exponentiate the 2 months to see how bad it could get at year end

world ometer also reveals the number of people entering hospital. and the length of average stay in hospital before discharge. to then do math on hospital bed capacity..

then if he was smart enough he could find other actual source data of actual bed capacity numbers to compare. and realise that there is actually a abnormal event happening.

but no. badecker just wants to blame media and china and say its all just a movie.
which is a very lame excuse to not even bother learning whats really happening in the world

Exactly! It's the scope of info that is the absolutely REAL concern. And you can find all kinds of reports on the scope of info that is the REAL concern. Often the medical tries to hide the real numbers. But check out the little that is available.

The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about

  •     A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.
  •     Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.
  •     Advocates are fighting back, pushing for greater legislation for patient safety.

Here's another. And both of these are through simple searches on the Internet. There are many more depending on how you word your search.

The point is, how in the world does anybody really know what the truth in the reports on the worldometer are, even if you can get to that site? Nobody knows how many people die in hospitals uselessly. And if they die, those same hospital people-killers are the ones who report the statistics like how many deaths are attributed to Covid-19, etc.

Prove that they haven't made a mistake, just like they mistakenly kill millions of their patients around the world every year.

How Many Die From Medical Mistakes In U.S. Hospitals?

It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient's death, the numbers come out worse.

In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous "To Err Is Human" report, which dropped a bombshell on the medical community by reporting that up to 98,000 people a year die because of mistakes in hospitals. The number was initially disputed, but is now widely accepted by doctors and hospital officials — and quoted ubiquitously in the media.

In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services said that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year.

Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death.

You, franky1, being connected to the medical, know all this. Yet you attempt to promote a bunch of mixed up, unknown-to-be-true information. And when you are called to account on it, you simply step up your advertising of the lies and potential lies.

It's people like you who are causing a useless pandemic that is harming the world.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 14, 2020, 10:26:34 AM
worldometer numbers are those that reach hospital
and what you can get from these numbers is the source
you can check the source and find that source . and keep checking

you start to learn the scope of the data
then when you realise that not everyone makes it to hospital.
but from the ones that do you can see which ones recover and which ones dont.
and you can see the age range.

you start to realise the amount of deaths is higher than normal death tolls year on year
yea yea i know badecker will copy and past a 12 month toll and say it compares to a 2 month toll(feb-april).. but doesnt realise there is 12 months in a year not 2month so he has to exponentiate the 2 months to see how bad it could get at year end

world ometer also reveals the number of people entering hospital. and the length of average stay in hospital before discharge. to then do math on hospital bed capacity..

then if he was smart enough he could find other actual source data of actual bed capacity numbers to compare. and realise that there is actually a abnormal event happening.

but no. badecker just wants to blame media and china and say its all just a movie.
which is a very lame excuse to not even bother learning whats really happening in the world
Activity: 4256
Merit: 8551
'The right to privacy matters'
April 14, 2020, 10:10:57 AM
^^^ But what is really sad is that the turmoil of starting over will totally hide the fact that this CV pandemic is based on fake news.

Fake news?

I can't go out because we're on a total lockdown but I doubt it that this is still fake. Hundred thousands of lives were gone because of covid19.

It seems that you and almost all Americans and Brits simply don't get it. Take a look below. And be sure to watch the video at the article linked below in addition to the ones shown at the bottom, here.

Watch: dozens of local TV anchors read the same anti-“false news” script in unison

A chilling video featuring local news anchors of stations owned by the conservative television empire Sinclair Broadcast Group across the country reciting a script warning of “biased and false news” — word for word — went viral over the weekend.

The video has again stirred concerns about the reach of Sinclair, which owns or operates nearly 200 television stations across the country, and about its pro-Trump bias disguised in what many unassuming viewers may believe to be run-of-the-mill local news.

Viral video raises worry over Sinclair's political messaging inside local news

And a shorter video

And a somewhat longer one

Possibly the best short one


You are correct there is a lot of bull shit.

i invite you to go to

look at the so called stats on corona-v

the variations in numbers mean false reporting.

the question is are the high numbers the lie
are the low numbers the lie

are both lies and do they equal out.

right now world wide death 💀 toll is around 125,000

this has run from dec to april

the 2009 h1n1 world 🌎 wide death toll ranges from 175,000 to 575,000 it ran from nov 2009 to may 2010

so far we have not been as bad as the h1n1 so is this a lie?

or has the world 🌎 wide shut down saved 575,000- 125,000 = 450,000 lives?

I don’t know.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 14, 2020, 09:52:46 AM
^^^ But what is really sad is that the turmoil of starting over will totally hide the fact that this CV pandemic is based on fake news.

Fake news?

I can't go out because we're on a total lockdown but I doubt it that this is still fake. Hundred thousands of lives were gone because of covid19.

It seems that you and almost all Americans and Brits simply don't get it. Take a look below. And be sure to watch the video at the article linked below in addition to the ones shown at the bottom, here.

Watch: dozens of local TV anchors read the same anti-“false news” script in unison

A chilling video featuring local news anchors of stations owned by the conservative television empire Sinclair Broadcast Group across the country reciting a script warning of “biased and false news” — word for word — went viral over the weekend.

The video has again stirred concerns about the reach of Sinclair, which owns or operates nearly 200 television stations across the country, and about its pro-Trump bias disguised in what many unassuming viewers may believe to be run-of-the-mill local news.

Viral video raises worry over Sinclair's political messaging inside local news

And a shorter video

And a somewhat longer one

Possibly the best short one

hero member
Activity: 3024
Merit: 680
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
April 14, 2020, 09:20:52 AM
^^^ But what is really sad is that the turmoil of starting over will totally hide the fact that this CV pandemic is based on fake news.

Fake news?

I can't go out because we're on a total lockdown but I doubt it that this is still fake. Hundred thousands of lives were gone because of covid19.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 14, 2020, 08:58:08 AM
^^^ But what is really sad is that the turmoil of starting over will totally hide the fact that this CV pandemic is based on fake news.

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